Title: WASTE
Genre: Sci-fi/war/horror
Set in 2044, Harrogate, England; after approximately 4 weeks of a mercyless nuclear destruction, five lucky English survivors brave the desolate wastes with nothing but limited ammo and firearms after their geiger counter tells them the contamination has left the area. Since the war showed signs of getting deadly, they hid in an underground air hanger in Harrogate Army training ground. Phil, a 23 year old pilot for the RAF saves 4 others and a their sheepdog named 'Little Boy' after the Hiroshima bomb in 1942. Phil's plan of action is to find other surviors, however fter a good few hours in the deserted plains they realise their not alone, after teenager Judy, 17 spots something moving amongst the ruins. The group witness hell on earth unfold before them as flesh-craving animals, rabid creatures and mutated people walk the Wastes.
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